The free branch of xpmap-project is closed because of lack of interest from users to the subject. There will not be any updates to the last version. But if you have questions you are still welcome to write me

XPMap - Array visualization tool for HP and HDS Hi-End family arrays Logo

XPMap is the macros written in VBA for MS Excel language. It processes resulting AllConf.csv output of RAID450/500 Offline tool to produse a number of MS Excel tables with detailed map of ACP-pairs, RAID-groups, LDEVs/LUSEs and Host-groups disposition

Supported Arrays

Current version XPMap-0.62 can build visualization maps for:

  • HDS NSC-55
  • HP XP-12000
  • HP XP-1024
  • HP XP-128


  1. Download XPMap
  2. Run RAID450/500 Offline Tool for the target array
  3. Start MS Excel and enable macros support
  4. Open xpmap-<version>.xls in MS Excel and allow macroses
  5. Specify the full path to AllConf.csv file from the output directory of RAID450/500 Offline Tool
  6. Check options and press Start button

Limitations and TO-DO List

As XPMap is in development state, only basic functions are implemented: ACP-pairs, RAID-groups, LDEVs/LUSEs and Host-groups. In the future I plan to:

  • increase the number of supported arrays and the nearest task is to complete the full lines of HP and HDS Hi-End models
  • add visualization of External storage and Logical Partitions
  • expand summary page
  • add spare-drive information
  • add Shadow Image (Business Copy), True Copy (Continuous Access) support

Support for RAID400 arrays, for example HP XP512 are not planned

Copyright (C) 2007 Mikhail E. Zakharov